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Glorious Rosary Mystery
Coronation Of Mary

"Thou art the glory of Jerusalem,
thou art the joy of Israel,
thou art the honour of our people"
-Judith 15:10

Catholic Rosary Myteries

The Coronation of Mary sets Mary up as your Queen who distributes many gifts, especially the gift of peace.

It is helpful to look at a picture of the Coronation of Mary which is the last of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary when Mary, Mother of Jesus was crowned queen of heaven and earth. Keep these events in mind as well as the fruit of the mystery which is trust in Mary's intercession as you pray the Rosary prayers.
Also, keep the following story in mind while you meditate on this glorious event and repeat in your heart this greeting to Mary: "Hail Holy Queen"...

After Jesus took Mary, body and soul into heaven, He crowned her Queen of heaven and earth.

By her very relationship as the mother of Jesus, Mary is queen because Jesus is King. Who is a king's mother?

A queen of course. And Mary is the greatest queen ever for she is the mother of the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace, Jesus.

The Angel Gabriel declared this to be true...

"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end." -Luke 1:32-33

Not only is Mary the mother of the King, she is the most highly favored daughter of God the Father and the Spouse of God the Holy Spirit.

She always obeyed God and was humble before Him.

Mary received the promised "never fading crown of glory" because her life so perfectly resembled that of her Son's and because she shared in all His sufferings. -1Peter 5:4

As a reward for her holiness and perfection of virtues, Jesus gave her dominion over the Angels and the Saints as their queen.

Evil spirits fear Mary more than any other human because they never had any power over her for she was conceived in her mother's womb without the blemish of original sin.

Jesus could only enter this world through a spotless woman, one created as Adam and Eve were created, perfect in the eyes of God.

The Coronation of Mary is not recounted in scripture, nevertheless it is deeply rooted in scripture.

Read the following Bible passages to get a glimpse of these roots: Apocalypse 12:1, Canticle of Canticles 6:9, Psalm 44:14-16 and Judith 15:10.

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Coronation Of Mary...

Catholic Rosary Mysteries

Here are some additional thoughts to enhance your meditation on the Coronation Of Mary rosary mystery.

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Below are some meditations to think about as you pray...

Saints were ordinary people just like you and me whose perfection of the virtues earned them the right to be honored and imitated by those on earth.

Mary on the other hand, earned the title Queen of All Saints because she perfected all virtues to such a degree that her holiness cannot be compared to any other of God's creatures. Mary was perfectly humble, perfectly obedient, completely pure and completely chaste.

Because of mankind's sinful nature, no saint is able to perfect all the virtues. He may have made great progress in some areas but surely he struggled in others. One thing all the saints knew is that Mary was the perfection of all virtues. She was a perfect reflection of Jesus. They followed her example and knew that they must go to Jesus through her loving arms.

If you aspire for sainthood, and we all should, you too must learn from the saints to imitate Mary's life and holiness.

The number one fruit of faith in Jesus is peace.

And this peace is mere glimpse into the joys of heaven.

Mary is truly the Queen of Peace because she is the mother of the Prince of Peace, Jesus.

Mary and Jesus are the key to peace in your life and to peace in the entire world.

You simply need to ask for this peace.

It is truly disturbing that any Christian would not accept Mary as their queen and very offensive to God.

Only Satan would prompt such a hatred towards Jesus' mother.

Consider this promise from Jesus...

"Every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted." -Luke 14:11

Mary's humility on earth was rewarded by being crowned Queen of all Angles and Saints in heaven.

Mary has many beautiful titles. Here they will be examined...

  • Queen of Patriarchs - The Patriarchs are the ancients who prayed and waited for the coming of the Messiah. Mary holds the title of Queen of Patriarchs because through her holiness and humility this long awaited event was fulfilled. The holier you become, the more pleasing and powerful your prayers will be in the sight of God.

  • Queen of the Apostles - The Apostles job was to spread the Good News about Jesus and take the message of salvation throughout the world. Mary is fittingly called Queen of the Apostles because if it wasn't for her there would be no message to spread, for she gave Jesus to the world. Your example of a holy life will spread Jesus' message.

  • Queen of Martyrs - A martyr suffers and dies for Jesus and His teachings. They feel it is a priviledge to do so because Jesus suffered and died for them. Mary suffered more than the martyrs because her heart was united to Jesus' and she shared in the sorrows and pains of His passion. For this reason she is holds the title Queen of Martyrs.

  • Queen of Confessors - Confessors of the faith are those who fearlessly profess the teachings of Jesus. For this reason, they are honored in the Church. But Mary is the Queen of Confessors because she had perfect faith in Jesus. If you practice Jesus' teachings, your faith will also be perfected.

  • Queen of Virgins - Mary is called Queen of Virgins because she was the first to take a vow of virginity. Not all are called to the state of virginity but every one must strive to be chaste and pure.

  • Queen of All Saints - Mary perfected all virtues. She is a model to all people whether they be man or woman, married or single, young or old. She is truly the Queen of all Saints. It is encouraging to know that Mary as your Queen will help and pray for you especially as you struggle to imitate her in perfecting the virtues.

A queen not only has the position and power but also the obligation to distribute gifts to her subjects.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary - Mary, the Queen of the most Holy Rosary has many favors and graces awaiting those who are devoted to her Rosary.

It is a good idea to offer each day this crown of roses, your Rosary to Mary.

Remember these words...

"Be faithful unto death and I will give thee the Crown of Life" -Apocalypse 2:10.

Prayer After Meditation Upon
The Coronation Of Mary

Baptism of Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus, during the Coronation of Mary, Thou were pleased to place the crown on your most Blessed Mother's head. She who was so truly deserving.

I thank Thee for giving her to be my Mother and my Queen. She is the most glorious example I could ever look for. And she is so generous as to bestow many graces upon me.

I am sorry for the times I did not ask for these graces and for the times I misused or ignored them.

Please continue to shower the world and me in particular with Thy grace through the worthy hands of my glorious Queen, your most Blessed Mother Mary.


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Inspiring Quotes

Daily Meditation

Let us pray

Almighty and everlasting God, look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son and upon the acts of praise and satisfaction which He renders unto Thee in the name of sinners; and do Thou, in Thy great goodness, grant pardon to them who seek Thy mercy, in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, world without end. Amen.
-From the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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