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What Is Meant By Meditating When One Encounters A Mystery?

by Richard
(Stockton, California)

When using the Rosary, what is meant by "meditating" when one encounters a mystery?
When saying the "Hail Mary's" what should one be thinking about since the prayer is being repeated constantly as well as the other prayers?
Should a request or petition be stated before the rosary is said,during the rosary or after the rosary is said?
Where will I see the answer to my question?
God Bless,

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Meditating Is Mental Prayer
by: The Rosary Team

Meditating during the Rosary is the mental prayer that accompanies the vocal prayer. Vocal prayer consists of the words you pray while mental prayer is the thinking and visualizing of the events.

While you are praying the "Hail Marys" you should be thinking about the mystery you are on. For example, when praying the first ten "Hail Marys" of the Joyful Mysteries, you should be thinking about The Annunciation.

This is not something that comes natural. You must train yourself to do it. There are several ways you can train yourself. You must become very familiar with the events in the life of Jesus. Some people find pictures of these events helpful. Make sure your bible is nearby so you can read about these events.

Read spiritual books such as The Dolorous Passion and The Glories of Mary Books about the Rosary also contain meditations. An indispensable book is The Secret of the Rosary. Every Catholic should own a copy.

You can read meditations we have compiled here. Don't forget to bookmark that page and come back and submit meditations you have found.

It is customary to mention your Rosary intention before the first mystery is announced but it may be done at anytime.

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