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Speeding Through The Rosary

by Paulette
(New Orleans, LA U.S.A.)

Recently, I attended a rosary offered by a devout group of men and women for a deceased member. The leaders of this group sped through the rosary so fast that I could hardly keep up with the prayers much less meditate on the mysteries. I wish to address this issue with them but I do not wish to insult these people. Is there a message from Mary that would address this issue, that I could read to them from her?

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Same Thing Happened To Me
by: Anonymous

Just the other day I was at a rosary for a deceased friend and the same thing happened. They sped through the rosary so quickly that I couldn't even concentrate on the mysteries. I had to concentrate on "keeping up". If there is any information about this, please post it!

Saying vs Praying The Rosary
by: Wayne

I have found many people "say" the Rosary rather than "pray" the Rosary. They do not meditate on the Mysteries and more than likely are just reciting the words from memory without any real thought. When I recorded the Prayer CD for the Travel Rosary I ended up using just over 18 minutes for each Mystery.
This is like some of the lectors at Mass you read the scriptures for the day without taking the time to go slowly and put any expression into what they are reading.
Everyone should have the time to slow down and spend some quality time with God.

De Montfort Book
by: J.F. Archer

St. Louis de Montfort offers excellent advice on the exact topic you refer to in his book "The Secret of the Rosary". I have always seen each Hail Mary as a beautiful rose offered to Our Lady, if it is done with conscious effort. Without conscious effort, it is a wilted rose before it even reaches Her. Imagine giving a present to someone which is broken, dirty or no better than trash. A prayer is only as good and effective as how it is said, and in what spirit it is offered. Sadly, it is not only the prayers of the Holy Rosary that are offered up in a slipshod manner.

I blame the "instant" minded times we live in more than anything. The enemy uses the human tendency of impatience in all things, which too often goes unnoticed if not kept in check. The individual that practices this will often believe that they are not doing anything wrong.

Never be afraid to address such issues, as this is the duty of all faithful and true Catholics. Do it with charity, patience and humility and God will do the rest.

Rosary recited too quickly
by: Dwight

I think it wrong to condemn how fast others pray in public. I understand that it might sound less devout, but those who offer the rosary constantly in company with the same group will naturally go faster as time goes on. When we can read the hearts of every person reciting we might have room to judge whether they are being inattentive or just trying to get it done. If we say the rosary every day, rain or shine, there will be days when it is pure torture to say even one Ave devoutly, let alone 15 decades. I tend to think people should be credited for saying the rosary, since it is not the easiest devotion and if they have to add the extra effort to make sure they sound devout enough to some visiting stranger I think they will soon not be saying the rosary in public any longer.

Rosary Devotion
by: Tiffany

I agree with the previous poster, Dwight. Anyone who prays the rosary everyday knows it can be difficult to spend hours reflecting on each detail, or to even just pick up the rosary to begin; but praying the mysteries draws us closer to the Holy Trinity and our Blessed Mother every time. God knows our heart. Prayer is part of the spiritual battle in Christian living. "We pray as we live because we live as we pray."

I can't figure out how to link this but copy paste and Google it for more info about prayer life.

St. Monica pray for us. We thank you for your prayers.

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