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Please Pray For A Miracle To Save Our Marriage!

by Aimrs

Please pray for my marriage My husband’s heart seems to be getting harder and harder towards me. Please pray that my husband R chooses to reconcile our marriage and that his plans to do a divorce don’t go through. Please pray that God reveals the truth to him. Please pray that God softens and convicts his heart and that we are able to love each other the way God’s word calls us to love.

The bitterness and anger I see and hear shows that he does not want me anymore in his life. My husband is befriending people who are not walking with the Lord and is receiving ungodly counsel. Please pray that God would guard him against that and that He would put someone in his path and guide him as not to leave me his wife.

This 27th April we complete 2 years of our marriage, but since 7 months we have not seen each other and whenever I try to speak to him he is always in anger for no fault of mine.

Dear God you know the truth, make my husband understand to take his responsibilities as husband takes for his wife. To love me, be honest with me, to take care of me and not to just remove me out of his life because of the people who are misguiding him. The world his parents have seperated us.



Thank You!

Please continue to pray for us. When speaking with my husband I hear the struggle of his heart in his voice. Please pray that the Holy Sprit would speak to him and soften his heart. Please pray for strength for me. I am very lonely and miss my husband a great deal.

Please pray for peace, joy and the faithfulness to love my husband unconditionaly. Pray that he comes to take me home soon so that we could live seperately without anybody interference in our married life.

Prayers for strength and the words to say and to fill us both with each others love. Thank You for your prayers I will continue to pray for you all as well.

Thank you all for your continued prayers... God Bless you all

I love my husband from the deepest of my heart. I need my husband back, please pray for us and may God change his adement mind and make him understand that I care for him.

Please pray for us!

I need your prayers very urgently....Please pray for a miracle to restore the marriage of R & A. which the world have given way to anger. Please pray that God will touch them both and bring them back to Him. Please pray for a miracle to stop this divorce and restore this marriage to better than it was before.

Please do reply waiting for your urgent reply on my email
Thank you!

Comments for Please Pray For A Miracle To Save Our Marriage!

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Feb 13, 2014
by: Kim

Hi I am in the exact same boat as you and would love to contact you personally and share our journeys with each other.



Dec 27, 2013
No Love in "Marriage" Anymore
by: Anonymous

You know how my husband feels. He feels alone and is just waiting to die. There is no romance, caring, friends, support in our lives. We are alienated and isolated from support and family. We don't talk. All we had was our pet and he is gone. We have nothing in common. Zero. It is not even a union. It is barely being able to tolerate each other.

No family. No love. No smiles. No plans. No laughter. I burned it all up with words and actions. Nothing. Zero. I can't live like this anymore. I could not be his everything. I had hopes and dreams for us. Now, we have nothing. Illness, family problems (mine), and isolation have left us with nothingness. Please pray for us!

Oct 29, 2013
Response to all in sad situations
by: Ing

To all of those that posted comments....the crosses that Our Blessed Lord gives us to carry are never easy....but they are necessary. Why?

Because without them we are not able to seek God completely as we focus on other things, people etc. God can turn anything into good, His word tells us so. Offer the pain up to God for the sins of your family and of the world.

Unfortunately, "free will" exists and even those who claim to be a Catholic/Christian
are still able to make ungodly choices and say it's from God. I know, it's as if you are living in a hell on earth, but try and cast your eyes always on the Cross where Our crucified Lord hung for you and me.

St John of the Cross said "Let Christ crucified be enough for you and with Him suffer and take your rest" How profound is that!!!!

Let the words sink in, take your eyes off your husband, off your marriage, and turn to Jesus, ask Him to help you to be thankful for your life as it is.

God "allows" many situations, even situations that tear at our very soul, it's disappointing that some use their free will for evil, disunity, discord, selfishness etc, but even then, even then..... TRUST Him.

God's strength will be with you, pray for God's will and then trust Him, even if the marriage fails because of the husbands decision, God can still turn it into good, it is not for us to know how but just to TRUST.

I don't make light of any of the pain any of you are going through....let God turn your suffering into whatever and however He wants to use it.

Always hope and never despair, I have been and am still going through it. It's a battle for your soul, your husband's and your children, be the intercessor, prayer warrior, believer God calls you to be.

Things of this world are beyond our understanding but God's word's are not..."For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

I will finish up with St Louis de Monfort "Jesus alone is everything to us, and He alone can satisfy all our desires".

God bless each of you in your pain.

Aug 24, 2013
Please pray to save my marriage
by: Anonymous

We have been married for nearly 15 years. God has blessed us with 2 beautiful children. But my husband who is working abroad is having an affair with another women. Daily I pour the precious blood of Jesus on my husband and I pray and request you also to pray that my husband will realize the wrong that he is doing and our marriage will be saved.

May 19, 2013
Please save everyone's marriage
by: Lonely wife

My husband and I recently had a fight. Hurtful words were said. Valuable things were broken. Pride grew between us. I decided to apologize without an apology from him in return to keep peace even though I felt he too owes me an apology.

We are now talking and he shows physical affection but he is still emotionally distant. Things are not back to normal, my husband is very short with me and does not appear to care if my feelings are hurt.

I know that I don't want a divorce, but there are times when I want to give up. We have 3 kids and I don't want them to go through a divorce. I pray that I stop feeling bitterness towards my husband so I could love him even when he does not love me back.

I pray that he learns to forgive me. I pray that God shows him the way to be the husband God intended him to be. I pray for all the marriages to be saved from the devil's destruction. Amen.

Mar 07, 2013
Please pray for my marriage too!
by: Anonymous

Please include me in your prayers (as i will you) that my husband (S) and me (D) will reconcile our marriage and recommit to each other and our futures together. Please pray for us.

Feb 17, 2013
Urgent prayer to save marriage
by: Anonymous

Lord please soften my husband's heart and mind. Please let the people that he chooses to hang with that are bad influences and try to keep us separated please get them put of his life. Please let him see how happy we can be following you. Please restore our marriage. I thank you for restoring our marriage. In Jesus name amen

Oct 18, 2012
Going through the same thing
by: Ing

I am going thru similar things. Only last week my husband said he wanted a separation & a few days later a property settlement.

I am still in shock!

We have been married 26 years & there is a HUGE cloud of demons over Christian marriages. We have to fight with all we have in the Catholic faith. Mass, adoration, rosaries etc, but also crucifying our flesh to the cross of Jesus so we will be walking with Jesus and not with the world.

Can you post how your marriage is today?

May 01, 2012
Never Give Up !!!!!
by: Anonymous

I totally can understand and rather feel what's goin on inside ur heart....d pain ur goin thru..coz I'm goin thru d same...all I can say is never give up tryin n jus keep that faith n hope in GOD burning always....

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