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Number of Rosary Beads on Old Rosary Bracelet

by Ruth

I have an old, silver mini Rosary without clasp which must be an antique Rosary Bracelet. I am confused as to why this bracelet has a total of Eighteen (18) beads. Your input about this is appreciated.

The pendant attached is aged but it appears to be the Virgin Mary holding Jesus on one side of the pendant, and the other side is what appears to be a winged angel -- assuming it to be Arch Angel Michael?? It has a small 2-3 inch snap pouch. Oh, my Mother was born in 1919 and had it in her possession until she passed in 2004.

I never saw my Mother use this little Rosary and it was too small for her adult wrists. Not sure when she got it, if it was a gift when she made her First Communion, too large for a baby's wrist.
My first thoughts were that this mini Rosary was to be kept in a purse to use while traveling.

Any assistance you can give me would be helpful. Thank you.

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Chaplet Of Saint Anne
by: The Rosary Team

Perhaps the "rosary" is a St. Anne Chaplet. They contain 18 beads and usually have an image of St. Anne with the Blessed Virgin Mary as a child. This devotion began in 1874.

The chaplet consists of three sets of one Our Father and 5 Hail Marys followed by the prayer "Jesus, Mary and St Anne, please grant the favor I ask". The first set of prayers honors Jesus, the second the Blessed Virgin Mary and the third, St. Anne.

Thank You Rosary Team
by: Anonymous

I would like to send you a Big Thank You for your prompt response to my questions regarding my Mother's small Rosary. I did look at various Chaplets, and your suggestion that it could be a St. Anne Chaplet could very well be what I have. I read about St. Anne. My Mother was French Canadian Roman Catholic, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba (me also) and I noted St. Anne had a French last name, I believe it was a last name... and Quebec was mentioned in what I read. Therefore, I further believe you have put me on the right track. I will obtain a magnifier to see if indeed it is St. Anne holding Mary. And the reverse of the pendant I believe could be St. Christopher or St. Michael or Jesus after my review of some other Chaplets.

You have been of great help. I am a 63 yr old woman (Episcopalian) and I would like to leave this Rosary for my daughters with an info note about it and that it belonged to their Beloved Grandmother. Her keeping it in her possession until she passed at Age 84 tells me it had great meaning and value to her.

Sincerely, Ruth S.

St. Anne de Beaupre
by: The Rosary Team

You are sincerely welcome. I hope we have led you in the right direction.

St. Anne is indeed the mother of the Blessed Virgin and the grandmother of Our Lord. Perhaps the devotion to St. Anne you mention in French speaking Cananda is devotion to St. Anne de Beaupre. I think de Beaupre means of Beaupre, the village where a beautiful shrine was built in honor of St. Anne not long after Europeans settled in the new world.

Here is a link to an interesting article about that shrine...

I am sure that your daughters will cherish the chaplet that belonged to your mother.

Rosary Question
by: Dan

I found a roasary that has 5 sets of 28 beads separated by one bead (total of four). It is wooden and has a crucifix but no medal. Can someone identify this? I am not aware of how to pray this rosary.

Thank you


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