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Missing Holy Mass...:(

by Girl Who Missed Holy Mass

Today, my aunt invited me to hear Mass with her. I declined because I ate a few moments ago. But still, I should've gone to hear Mass even though I wouldn't receive Holy Communion because if I would, I would not be observing the Eucharistic Fast, which is a mortal sin. And even though today is not really a Holy Day of Obligation, nor is it a Sunday, I still feel guilty because it's like I just made up excuses when in fact I could hear Mass without receiving Holy Communion and it seems like I just declined a meeting with God. I utterly regret not accepting the invitation to Holy Mass. I don't know what to do! It feels wrong what I did (of course it is). But my question is: Can hope be practiced in a situation like this? Or did I just mess up...BIG TIME!

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On Avoiding A Scrupulous Conscience
by: The Rosary Team

You shouldn't feel guilty for not going to Mass on an ordinary day. Yes, it is good to go to Mass as often as possible, but as you know you are only required to go on Holy Days of Obligation and on Sundays.

You did not mess up big time. You didn't even mess up at all.

Be careful of developing a scrupulous or overactive conscience.

The Catholic encyclopedia defines scruples as...

"An unfounded apprehension and consequently unwarranted fear that something is a sin which, as a matter of fact, is not."

It is more of a habit rather than a one time thing, so check yourself to make sure you are not finding sin where there is no sin in yourself or others. You don't want your judgment to become warped or suffer from an overwhelming sense of guilt. If this is a problem for you overcoming it will bring about much peace of mind.

But don't base a self-diagnosis from this answer, there is a big difference between a sensitive conscience and a scrupulous conscience, so if you suspect you suffer from a scrupulous conscience, talk to your priest about it in Confession.

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