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Meditation on The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

by Peggy Bowes

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple:
The child's father and mother were amazed at what was said about him. (Luke 2:33)

Jesus was considered a man in the Jewish culture at age 12, and He began to act like a man. He took His place among the Jewish leaders and amazed them with His knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. Even Mary and Joseph, who knew of the Divine nature of their Son, were astonished. As mothers, it is so important that we prepare our children to enter the world of adults as Soldiers of Christ. We are the primary educators of our children in the Catholic faith, a huge responsibility. Pray for guidance, do lots of research, and teach your children all that you know about your faith. This, of course, requires that YOU know your faith first. Read the Catechism, study the Bible and cultivate a rich prayer life. Pass this on to your children, and some day they will amaze not only you but others in the community.

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by: Anonymous

Really impressive post. I read it whole and going to share it with my social circles.

Catholic Home Schooling
by: The Rosary Team

All so true. One of the fruits of Catholic home schooling is that parents who were poorly catechized are learning their faith along with their children.

If you are interested in some wonderful books to get you started on your children's religious upbringing check out Adoremus Books Catholic Store.

If you cannot home school, you may want to enroll your children in a religion course through a Catholic home schooling program. Seton Homeschooling comes highly recommended.

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