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Can I Be A Hip Hop Artist And A Christian?

by Erica

I am 17 years old and have a Hip Hop career. I gave my life to Christ about a month ago. My style of hip hop is very positive, I never curse nor do I talk about sex, drugs or violence. I have been doing fun, clean hip hop music since I was 12. I have changed my music from hip hop to gospel but I really want to do Hip hop because that's what I love but I do not want to offend God. I want to follow His Will. Does anyone have advise for me?

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Keep The Faith Above All Else!
by: Anonymous

As a retired musician myself of over 25 years, I can tell you both horror stories and wonderful accounts about my experiences in the music business, but you will most likely really have to learn them yourself. These experiences are all the same, no matter what kind of music you are performing.

You seem to have sense of what direction you what to take, but as you are young, more experiences will test you as time progresses, God willing. You will be making many decisions in your career and prayer is the only true method to know what to do. God will take care of all things and truly knows your heart. He will open avenues up to you as well as provide escape routes, if necessary.

The music business can be often very unforgiving and is only concerned with money, even when some claim they are not (which occurs a great deal in the gospel arena, which seems a contradiction).

The main thing to consider is the moral aspects of what both you are doing and what is expected of you by the business. Avoid occasions of sin where they might occur. Never compromise your faith or morals for the sake of false flattery or vanity, and you will always be the true star in the show.

Yes, one can remain a real practicing Christian Catholic in the midst of the wolves and it is hoped that you will be able to really help others you see falling into the pit by the sheer virtue of your actions alone. This is necessity of living the genuine Christian life itself, no matter what we do.

God Bless You and Pray the Rosary Every Day!

Maybe you can touch a life as a hip hop artist...
by: Anonymous


Just my opinion...but I don't see why it would matter what genre of music you choose to perform, as God chooses to work through many many different avenues in life.

Who knows? Maybe your life will be an inspiration to someone who listens to your music...someone you can reach through the medium of hip-hop, who wouldn't be reached if you were a gospel performer.

You sound like a wise person (wise just for asking the question, actually!)...Follow God's voice in your heart, and yes, like the last poster said, be aware of the pitfalls (you may indeed be a "lamb among wolves" in the industry...Isn't that what Jesus said we would be?)

Good luck and God bless!

yes someone needs to hear you!
by: Anonymous

If God limited us to just one kind of music then he would be limited, remember he is limitless and expects us to be the same in the end its all for his glory.

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